Are there any discounts available?
Referral Discount: if you refer a project to us and it is accepted, upon completion we will give you $100 gas card to say thank you for helping us out.
Seasonal Discounts: contact us to see what the current seasonal discount is.
How do you do estimates?
We prefer to do on-site estimates. This way we can meet you and better determine the various aspects of the job to help you save money. We can find out exactly what you would like done to suit your needs. The biggest thing on-site estimates allow for is to help us determine key variables of your property that we need to take into account before and during construction on your home.
Contact Us
Thank you for taking the time to look through our site. We would be happy to schedule a time to meet with you to go over the details for your next project.
Please fill out the form below to have a GE Sales Representative stop by to give you a FREE estimate today!
If you do not hear back from us in an acceptable amount of time, please call (920)-840-3257 for an immediate response.